Fashion Styling Choose Area All the Fields of studyArtFashion BusinessFashion DesignFashion StylingFragrances & Cosmetics All the Fields of studyArtFashion BusinessFashion DesignFashion StylingFragrances & Cosmetics Choose the programme All the programmesPostgraduate CoursesShort CoursesUndergraduate Courses All the programmesPostgraduate CoursesShort CoursesUndergraduate Courses Fashion Styling & Creative DirectionThe driving force behind visual communication Fashion Styling & Multimedia IntensiveDevelop creative visual content for fashion using a variety of media Fashion Styling & Creative Direction SemesterRecognise, reinvent and define style and image for a garment, a product, or brand. Fashion Styling, Creative Direction & Digital ContentFashion expressed through still & moving images Fashion Image & StylingUseful when considering more intensive study, or for future career path development. Portfolio SurgeryPreparation for postgraduate level study